Q: Where are you located?
A: We are located at 3180 Executive Dr. Suite 102, San Angelo, TX 76904. Click Here to view a map and get directions.
Q: What are your hours of operation?
A: Monday through Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Q: Will I be put to sleep (general anesthesia) for my procedure?
A: No, you will NOT receive general anesthesia for the procedure. Most patients are given moderate sedation by a registered nurse (RN) or an anesthesiologist, depending on the procedure. These medications help to relax you and relieve any possible discomfort/pain.
Q: Can my family stay with me during my procedure?
A: Your family/friends may follow you through check-in and pre-procedure preparations. You may reunite in recovery once the procedure is complete. Your family can wait in the waiting room during your procedure, or we can call them for pick up when you are ready for discharge.
Q: Will I need to stay overnight?
A: No, you will not stay overnight. Most patients go home 4-6 hours following their procedure.
Q: Can I drive myself home?
A: If you receive sedation medicine for your procedure, you cannot drive yourself home – and you must have an adult drive you home and stay with you for the next 24 hours. You may only take a taxi or rideshare if an adult accompanies you.